All government respondents were asked to state to what extent they agree or disagree about 9 statements about Open Data/ Open Gov.
Responses are broken down by type of government.
Respondents multi-selected between 6 choices to identify the main motivation for starting a data transparency initiative. Results can be grouped by country, type of government org and role of respondent. Choices included "no initiative" to account for those who did not have one.
Respondents multi-selected between 6 choices to identify the main motivation for starting a data transparency initiative. Results can be grouped by country, type of government org and role of respondent. Choices included "no initiative" to account for those who did not have one.
Respondents multi-selected between 6 choices to identify the main motivation for starting a data transparency initiative. Results can be grouped by country, type of government org and role of respondent. Choices included "no initiative" to account for those who did not have one.
Government respondents who said "yes", "Future Plan" or "Unsure" to are you actively engaging with civic application developers?" were then asked what they thought they needed to provide developers with Responses are aggregated by all types of government This questions was not a multi-select.
Government respondents who said "yes", "Future Plan" or "Unsure" to are you actively engaging with civic application developers?" were then asked what they thought they needed to provide developers with Responses are aggregated by all types of government This questions was not a multi-select.